Over 40 years of Propane Experience:
Safety And Transportation Consulting with Mike DiGiorgio
LEGAL SERVICES - Accident investigation to include accident review and preparation of employees to provide accident reports, statements, and depositions. We will save you and your insurance company significant money.
Transportation & Safety Expert Witness Services
Finding an expert witness to testify authoritatively on your behalf is not always easy.
Our expert witness program is headed by Mike DiGiorgio the former president of the Propane Gas Defense Association and active PGDA board member. Mike has expertise in transportation, safety issues and propane litigation. In addition to our expertise we will work with you to identify exactly what kind of expert you need then use our extensive network of contacts to recruit precisely the right person.
What are the consequences of not telling someone about an unsafe condition or an unsafe behavior? We educate employees on how safety is a value; it should be a customary routine practice at your company.